Tips to Help Your Pet Survive the Heat of Summer

Mr. Pedometer, you recently wrote about the “dog days” of summer.  Any advice on how to help our canine pals survive this hottest part of the year? 

Good question!  Fortunately, columnist Joan Morris recently offered some great advice in the East Bay Times, including the following:

NEVER leave your dog unattended in your car, not even if you park in the shade and leave the windows partly open. Cars heat up fast!  A dog can suffer from heatstroke – possibly fatally – within 15 minutes.

Best advise for good health – Portion Control

Q:  Mr. Pedometer, what’s your best advice on staying well?  (I’m guessing you will say walking daily.)

 A:  You might think that I would be promoting only walking, but when   I have been asked by others for my “best” advice on wellness, and it is this:  portion control.  You cannot walk your way out of a poor diet.  Here are some portion control tips from